
Tracking Pixel with URL Shortener
Tracking Pixel with URL Shortener By Adnan Ibne Zaman in Link Tracking January 09, 2023
Content Outline I. Introduction of pixels Definition of pixels and how they work Uses of pixels in URL shorteners II. Benefits of using pixels in URL shorteners Enhanced...
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UTM Builder
UTM Builder By Adnan Ibne Zaman in Link Tracking December 29, 2022
Content Outline Introduction to UTM codes and their importance in digital marketing What is a UTM builder, and how does it work? The benefits of using a UTM builder for your campaigns How to use...
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Bundles & Link Rotator
Bundles & Link Rotator By Adnan Ibne Zaman November 22, 2020
Bundles & Link Rotator The bundle feature allows you to regroup some links and will generate you a special link where you will be able to send that to people. That special link will allow them to see all links in the bundle and use...
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Team Feature
Team Feature By Adnan Ibne Zaman November 22, 2020
Team Feature The team feature allows you to invite members to your group and operate the same account as a team. This is perfect for collaboration! To use this feature, the team leader must invite users and users will need to accept...
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Pixels By Adnan Ibne Zaman November 22, 2020
Pixels The pixels tracking are used by ad platforms such as Facebook and Adwords to allow you to gather data on your customers and how they behave on your website. By adding your pixel ID from either of the platforms, you will be able...
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Redirection Types
Redirection Types By Adnan Ibne Zaman November 22, 2020
Redirection Types The script offers 5 types of the redirection that you can use. Each of them are explained below.
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