
Link Tracking

What is URL Shortener?
What is URL Shortener? By in Link Tracking July 07, 2024
Content OutlineI. Introduction Definition of URL shortenersBenefits of using Potential risks of...
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How to Share Links on Social Media: URL Optimization for Marketers
How to Share Links on Social Media: URL Optimization for Marketers By Adnan Ibne Zaman in Link Tracking January 31, 2023
  Sharing links on social media platforms is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. Whether you are promoting a new product, promoting a blog post, or directing traffic to your website, optimizing your links can make a...
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Tracking Pixel with URL Shortener
Tracking Pixel with URL Shortener By Adnan Ibne Zaman in Link Tracking January 09, 2023
Content Outline I. Introduction of pixels Definition of pixels and how they work Uses of pixels in URL shorteners II. Benefits of using pixels in URL shorteners Enhanced...
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UTM Builder
UTM Builder By Adnan Ibne Zaman in Link Tracking December 29, 2022
Content Outline Introduction to UTM codes and their importance in digital marketing What is a UTM builder, and how does it work? The benefits of using a UTM builder for your campaigns How to use...
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